Olivia is 13 months old today. Time just keeps flying along!
I just love her little belly laughs. She is the most good natured little girl! |
Look at me standing all by myself! |
This girl knows how to have fun and laughs all the time. She can't help but brighten your day! |
This is not a great picture, but she got to see her first fireworks and really enjoyed them! |
She still loves snuggling close to mommy and likes walks along the ocean |
This is her new favorite place. She loves to sit in the empty bookshelf and play! |
And this represents her other favorite thing. She will take these shapes and put them over her head and then attempt to crawl across the room. |
She got to be a big girl at Madeline's birthday and ate more pizza than the rest of the kids combined! |
She explored the San Diego Children's Museum for the first time. |
She loves a good challenge and obstacle. She got VERY mad when I tried to pick her up and carry her up these stairs. |
She is a water baby! |
...and is turning into quite the beach baby! |
Each trip we take to the beach she puts less and less sand in her mouth, so I think we are making progress here! |
This girls LOVES to eat! She's becoming a bit more picky, but is still a great eater. |
Check out my first bikini! |
She loves being outdoors |
At 13 months, she is not walking yet, but I think it is coming any day now. She took 3 big steps on July 19 and I thought she would just take off right after that, but she is still being a bit cautious. She'll take a few steps between objects but needs just a bit more confidence.
She has been moved up to the toddler room at daycare. She's been doing well, but misses her morning nap and so has been needing to go back to the infant room on some days.
She is a binky baby and loves her paci. I fear needing to wean her from it!
Her favorite word is maaam-maam-maaam. Which basically, means mama, I'm hungy or I'm out of food, depending on how loud and quickly the words come out. She also says dada and the ladies at daycare told me she said paci, but I haven't heard that one yet.
She loves playing with her big sister and really looks up to her. Watching to two of them together is so much fun.
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