Family shots on Christmas Eve:
Playing with Unckee-T and Auntie Meg after dinner
She got to open 2 gifts before going to bed on Christmas Eve:
The clothes were immediately thrown over her shoulder :)
The kazoo, however, was a whole different story! She had us all in tears by the end of the evening, and I think it might be safe to say that it was the hit of Christmas!
'Twas the Night Before Christmas...'
Look! Santa came!
Christmas morning:
Merry Christmas! Examining the things Santa left for her:
It's teatime!
Unckee-T and Auntie Meg's gift was lots of fun to open since it was filled with icicles!
Grandpa fixed up the rocking horse that he made for me on my 2nd Birthday! Madeline loved it
Aspiring artist!
It must have been a pretty fun day, as this is how she finished it off. For the record, she has *NEVER* fallen asleep in the high chair! She was one tired tot!
Other pics from the trip:
Feeding the llamas with Grandpa
Madeline loved playing the organ.
This video documents the aspiring musician. I especially love the commentary about midway through. Brian thinks she is asking, "Now what do you think about that?"
We had lots of tea parties at Grandma and Grandpa's
You must make sure all your guests get plenty to eat...
...and have time to engage in good conversation.
Going to the cabin
Sledding fun!
Tasting the snow
Down the hill with Auntie Meg
We had two surprise guests at the cabin:
Collecting lots of friends at Unckee-T and Auntie Meg's house
Singing Unckee-T's favorite verse, The drivers on the bus say, 'Move on back..'
Knuckles with Auntie Meg
Stories with Grandpa
Looking at the airport displays with Grandma
All ready to fly home to Houston
Such a fun and memorable holiday. Seeing everything through her eyes made it that much more special. I hope everyone enjoyed your special days!
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