How time flies! It seems like just last week we were bringing her home and now she is a year and a half old. What fun it has been. She is such a big girl now and each day seems to be something new and saying a new word. She is very chatty and will carry on a conversation with you, complete with hand gestures and all. Of course at this stage its mostly just babbles, and she can't seem to understand why we don't get what she is telling us. She does use a number of sign language signs (more, eat, please, milk, water) and is saying a lot of words, too, so communication is getting easier and easier. I'm sure I'll forget some of them, but these are words she says with understanding what they mean: daddy, mommy, ball, baby, doggy, cat, eat, bath, cracker, duck, bubble, book, eye, go, sit, up, shoes, car, truck
I realize that I haven't taken many pictures of her lately. One of the reasons, is that most of them end up looking like this:

or this:

or this:

Sitting still is not one of her strong suits! In trying to get these pictures yesterday, I did end up with a few cute ones to document her at 18 months old! Enjoy!

One of her new favorite things is to walk to the pond past the park to see the ducks. She gets this huge smile on her face and exclaims, "Ducks!" She loves to sit there and watch them and imitate what they do. Today she starting shaking her head after one finished shaking his tail to ruffle his feathers!

I was hoping to download a video of her singing, but I can't get it to download and I need to head off to the airport, so stay tuned and maybe I'll get that posted next weekend.
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