Thursday, June 24, 2010

Grandma's here!

Grandma Handl is here for a visit and she has been having a lot of fun with Madeline. We went to the Children's Museum yesterday and you should have seen little Miss Madeline. She is a monkey full of energy. We were laughing at all the little kids who would sit there quietly and play with one thing for long stretches of time. This girl doesn't sit still! We chased Madeline from one end of the Tot Spot to the other, and back again...multiple times! Here are some pictures of the monkey in action:

Big soft blocks!

All kinds of different toys to play with....

...and new friends to meet!

What next?

Let's play with cars...

..and then crawl through the tunnel!

Then, it's over the bridge, complete with speed bumps. But that didn't slow our monkey down!

Now I want to play with the balls!

Are you watching me?

I bet I could jump in here all by myself! This was her favorite game of the day, tumble into the balls and then tumble out. If you kick those legs hard enough, it's easy to tumble in and out!

Story time!

Pure joy!

Would you like to join me for afternoon tea?

Ahh, the temperature is just right for sipping!

Hey look, my little friend came to the museum, too!

Let's dance!

I bet I'm faster than you!

Then, as mommy is saying, "You can't climb on that, the slide is for big kids," the monkey proceeded to climb UP the slide, twice, without any assistance.

And, then for the grand finale....

She was having such a fun day at the museum that she decided to make it the location of her first steps. Not a great picture, but she managed to take about 3 steps on the first attempt and then 2 more steps on her second attempt.

We tried to catch it on video, but by then it had become a game and falling was more fun than walking!

Grandma keeps commenting that she thinks we have a daredevil on our hands! I think it is quite possible; this little one is a ball of energy!