Today, she weighed in at 14 lbs 10 oz according to Grandpa Marv's baby scale. She fits perfectly into her 6 month clothes and is still in size 1 diapers.
Here's a recap of the past month. She has had a lot of 'firsts' this month and has learned so much!
-Attended her first Rodeo BBQ festivities
-One of her favorite things is pulling all of her books off of her bookshelf.
-She started using a sippy cup and we're working on finger foods. It's funny, as everything she picks up, she puts into her mouth...that is, except for finger food. We're still trying to convinve her that finger foods are fun! She has discovered that she can drop things from her highchair and that Cooper will eat them, and that is much more fun that actually eating the food!
-Our own little Linus, sleeps with her little blanky, Brian caught this cute photo of her hugging said blanky!
-First time playing at the beach
-First time in a swimming pool
-First playground experience
-She's crawling almost exclusively now.
-She can pull herself up to a stand
-She started waving this week
-We made it through another round of fever, sniffles and colds.
-She has developed what we lovingly call the 'monkey face' where she sticks her little tongue out and holds it between her lips. This mostly happens when she is concentrating on something. Since this is her new signature look, I thought it fitting to create the '8th Month Monkey Face Collage'

-She's a happy girl when she gets to play with her toys and can occupy herself for much longer periods of time.
It seems that each day she just gets more and more fun as she learns new things and interacts further! I'm sure there are great things in store for month #9!
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