Happy Easter!
We have had a fun filled Easter Day and Madeline was sufficiently spoiled on her first Easter.
Here is a picture account of our day:
The Easter Bunny left his ears behind

I think she makes a pretty cute Easter Bunny!

Here I am with my Easter basket! I had a lot of fun pulling out all of the goodies.

(Disclaimer...yes, my Easter basket had candy in it. The Easter Bunny 'forgot' that I was only a baby, but never fear, Mom and Dad have kindly offered to take care of it for me!)
(You should be able to click this image to see it better)

My very first balloon!

After the Easter Basket fun, she had two packages to open from her Grandparents:
Pull out the tissue to see what's inside....

Look, a cute little chick was hiding in there!

Awww, I think I like him!

Lots of ribbons on this one

Hmmmm, now what?

This looks like a job for my trusty Leatherman!

Yay! More tissue and cute summer outfits inside...

...and books, too!

Happy Easter baby!!

We were invited to brunch and were asked to bring dessert, as they know they are my favorite to make. I tried out two new recipes and (if I can say so) I think they turned out super yummy!

With Irma at brunch

Happy girl!

Family photo (Boy, we sure look tired...we had a rough night last night! Someone must have been too excited for the Easter Bunny because she did not want to sleep!)

Mommy and Madeline

Thanks to the grandparents for all the special cards and gifts!!
Happy Easter! Love the Leatherman picture. :)