It is hard to believe she is 8 months old already..where does the time go?
She is getting more and more interactive and Madeline loves playing with her. She is a great prop for Madeline to use while playing school, house and chef. Chef is especially fun, as Olivia is willing to try anything!
She got to swing for the first time and absolutely loved it! The smiles on her face were super adorable!
Playground fun generally involves putting the sand toys in your mouth
....and eventually ends up looking something like this.
Oohh, bubbles! |
First Mardi Gras bead catching experience! |
First trip to Seattle and experiencing the Seattle coast |
First Valentine's Day! |
She's still not crawling or scooting, but she'll get up on all fours and look around. She's super happy that she can easily toggle between all fours and sitting! | | |
She is super happy and content
She's gotten super giggly, which is a lot of fun. Madeline is the one who can always get her going. Just tonight, they caught a case of the giggles during bath time.
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