She has grown and developed so much this month!
We weighed her this morning and she is 13 lbs 14 oz.
Here's a re-cap of her 7th month:
The biggest (and most exciting, in her opinion) milestone was starting on solid foods.

So far she has enjoyed avocado, sweet potato, peas, squash, bananas, pears, carrots, green beans, applesauce, rice cereal, plums and just today she tried mango. For the most part she seems to like it all. I would venture to say that the green beans were probably her least favorite and the plums I made are a bit tart, so she's not too fond of those unless they're mixed with something else.
Grandma Handl was here for a visit:
In terms of big events, she had her first Superbowl party in which she cheered the Saints onto victory
...her first parade and Mardi Gras celebration complete with a huge bead collection:
...her first view of the ocean:
...her first trip to the zoo
...her 1st Valentine's Day
In other developments:
-She is still sucking her thumb, but only when she gets sleepy
and she'll suck her toes whenever she gets her socks off.

-She's been doing this for awhile now, but at day care she's holding her bottle all by herself. She's showing off in this photo!
-She is back to sleeping through the night again!! Yippeeee!
-She's spending a lot more time up on all fours and rocks and even pulls herself forward in this position. We keep waiting for her to take off crawling.
-Even without crawling she is mobile and has perfected her methodical army man scoot! Arm, arm, grunt, pull, kick...
-Her new favorite toy is this soft ring stacker. She loves taking all the rings off and chewing on them!
-More of her favorites are her rubber duckies and they accompany her during the whole bath time process. She loves to splash (and chew!) with them during her baths,
chew on them while being dried off
and converse with them during her post-bath 'naked baby time'
-She has her two bottom teeth. Here's their progress as of tonight.
-She's starting to mimic things we do with our mouths, sticking her tongue out, making noises etc. She is really starting to figure out all the different noises her little mouth can make!
She is so much fun now and I can't believe how much she is growing!
WOW, I can't believe she's 7 months old!