Here she is at 4 months old:
I think this video captures so many things that she is doing this month:
She has her hands in her mouth about 80% of the time, she loves to smile, she is 'talking' a bunch and has started squealing when she gets excited, she has taken a great interest in her toys and reaches out for them, she is making eye contact with everyone including her toys...the list goes on, so see for yourself!
She has really started to enjoy her jumperoo and you can see that Cooper likes to lick her toes, which are almost touching the ground now!
She's gotten very good at entertaining herself on the floor, is scooting some and rolls around like crazy!
She's adjusted very well to daycare and loves being around all the other babies.
We've all survived the return of mommy's travels! In November I had a total of 6 nights away, giving Brian and Madeline some good father/daughter bonding time. I've survived going through airport security 3 times with a cooler full of milk with no hassles. I do wish I could have captured the expression on the TSA's face when they opened the cooler and realized it was full of breast milk!
She had her 4 month check-up yesterday and did so well with the shots. She got three shots and didn't cry at all for the first two and then whimpered a bit for the 3rd one. Pulling the band-aide off was more painful (for both of us!) than the shots. For some reason her skin was super sensitive to the band-aide! Ouch :(
In other news regarding her check-up, the pediatrician says she is doing great and was impressed that she is rolling over so well! She weighed in at 11lbs 9 oz, was 24.5 in long and her head circumference was 16. She's in the 10th percentile for weight, but has been tracking fine, so the pedi didn't seem concerned. She's right around the 50th percentile for height and head circumference.
We're off to the airport tomorrow morning to head to MT for Thanksgiving. Madeline is getting prepared by sporting her special onesie!